Finding the most influential photography blogs is no easy task. It’s all about finding the most popular blogs and most talented photographers. Here is our list of the 34 best photography blogs in 2022. They are all great inspiration and provide quality content. The blogs cover various topics and some of them even offer photography news. If you think we’ve missed a photography site you love, let us know in a comment at the bottom.

[ExpertPhotography is supported by readers. Product links on ExpertPhotography are referral links. If you use one of these and buy something we make a little bit of money. Need more info? See how it all works here.]

34. The LawTog: Photography Blogs

Rachel Brenke has a law degree and runs this photography blog. She offers consulting services to photographers. It is easy to get lost in the legal field when having a photography business. Rachel helps professionals in the creative industry to find their way in business strategy, marketing and the legal environment.

33. Kristen Kalp

Kirsten is awesome because she is brave enough to face her flaws and accept them. Her blog is so real and she went through a long self-discovery journey on the way to success. Her blog offers insights about running a small photography business. She also has several courses and coaching sessions. “My wish for you is to find and then listen to the smallest voices within you — the ones whispering that you can go deeper into the heart of yourself and your broken bits and come out the other side more alive and vital and whole than ever before.”

32. Ken Kaminesky

Ken has shot commercial lifestyle photos for stock photography agencies for fifteen years. He worked with famous commercial clients and his work was published all over the world. In the past few years, Ken fell in love with travel photography. He has lots of how-to posts and tutorials. Ken is also the founder of Discovery Photo Tours.

31. Depositphotos Blog

This blog is a great source of inspiration for anyone who is interested in photography, design and marketing. They provide tutorials, insights on stock photography and interviews with famous photographers.

30. Anton Gorlin Photography

Anton is an Australian real estate photographer who loves landscape photography as well. He worked with recognized clients such as Airbnb and Trivago. His photography blog is full of informative posts. Not to mention his breathtaking landscapes photos that are very inspirational.

29. Ann Street Studio

Jamie Beck is the person behind this stunning photography blog. She is a professional photographer from the US. Jamie built an impressive career and worked with brands like Nike, Disney, Armani and Google. Then she moved to the South of France and started to focus on more personal photographs, Her photography blog, Ann Street Studio is full of amazing photos and stories. It is one of my favourite photography blogs and I spent hours reading her posts.

28. Women Photograph

Women in Photography is a platform for female photographers. It aims to encourage them in their photography journey. Besides providing inspiration and offering a place to show their work. Girlpower!

27. The Fashion Camera

Liselotte Fleur is a fashion and portrait photographer from The Netherlands. The Fashion Camera is her personal fashion photography blog. She shares stories and behind the scenes pictures. Liselotte also provides photography tips and answers photography-related questions.

26. Feature Shoot

Feature Shoot is almost like an online photography magazine. It features creative photographers and artist and some of them work in the social or the environmental fields. The posts are quite up-to-date and shocking. For example, the photo series about animal markets or children’s diets around the world. The photos inspire you and make you think at the same time.

25. Asilda Photography

The blog is run by Anastasia Petukhova, a Russian photographer who is based in Los Angeles. She specialises in fine art, commercial and street photography. She is also part of the Sony Artisans of Imagery Program. On her blog, she shares insights about running a photography business and walks us through her creative process.

24. The Sartorialist

The blog features fashion and street photography content around the world. The creator is Scott Schuman, a famous American blogger and fashion photographer. “I thought I could shoot people on the street the way designers looked at people, and get and give inspiration to lots of people in the process. My only strategy when I began The Sartorialist was to try and shoot style in a way that I knew most designers hunted for inspiration.”

23. Humans of New York

Humans of New York is one of the most famous photography blogs. Brandon Stanton started it as a photography project in 2010. He has even had a book published since. His initial goal was to capture 10 000 New Yorkers and create a catalog about the city’s inhabitants. He started to interview his subjects and share their stories or quotes from them. Today the blog has more than twenty million followers on social media and if you check its content, you will understand why.

22. Joey L.

The blog is run by Canadian-born photographer and director, Joey L. He was listed as one of the “Most Influential Photographers on Social Media”. He also photographed celebrities such as Robert De Niro, Jennifer Lawrence and John Legend. He shares his techniques and knowledge on his blog and in tutorials. Some of the content is quite heavy.

21. Behind the Shutter

The blog started in 2011 and it targets various photographers who want to learn about the insights. It’s one of those educational photography blogs that make you stay for hours on the website.

20.  This Week in Photo

“This Week in Photography” is one of the world’s most popular photography-related podcasts. Its founder Frederick Van Johnson is a regular lecturer and he conducts training on topics ranging from marketing and business to photographic technique. I personally love the podcast and his work and I reckon most people will too, so give his website a little look.

19. Bob Krist

Bob is another writer at Pixiq and widely considered an authority in photography. Bob is a freelance photographer who works regularly on assignments for various magazines such as National Geographic Traveler, Smithsonian, and Islands. These assignments have taken him to all seven continents. He won awards in the Pictures of the Year, Communication Arts, and World Press Photo competitions. Amongst all of this, he’s not above teaching others and giving a helping hand where people need it.

18. Alex Koloskov

Often people see a shot and wonder how it’s done. This man gives you the answer. He posts his own photos and (very kindly) shares all the information on lighting setups and how he took the shot. He also shares gear reviews, tutorials, tips and behind the scenes videos from his photo sessions.

17.  Marc Silber

Marc updates his website’s content almost every day. His writing shows some really insightful knowledge. The best way to learn photography is from the pro’s and that’s exactly what he’s done. He went out and videoed folks like Chase Jarvis, Matthew Jordan Smith, Bambi Cantrell and many more.

16. Syl Arena

What can I say about Syl? I think very highly of this man and am a big fan of his book. I like his content so much that it made my Top 20 Photography Books post – and his website is equally good. He knows how to light a photo and he wastes no time teaching others how to do it just as well. If you have some spare time, it’s well worth dedicating a photo session to some of his techniques.

15. Trey Ratcliff

Trey’s website has become the #1 Travel Photography Blog on the internet. On average, the photos get 175,000 views per day and over 60 million in total. Quite an astounding feat for any man. His website promises a photo from him every single day and it certainly delivers. It’s a great website. But don’t make the same mistake I did and enter it when you’re supposed to be doing something else – it’s incredibly addictive.

14. Damien Franco

This very simple blog contains some vital gems for digital photography. Damien has made a real name for himself on the internet through his blog, Twitter and his writing at the very popular He writes very regularly there and you can find his content here.

13. Jared Polin

If you’re looking to learn more about shooting in RAW, this is the guy to go to. On his site, you’ll find all of the usual information. But with the addition of extensive knowledge of post-production in RAW and an excellent YouTube video series to learn from. Jared has the ability to influence with ease due to his bold attitude towards photography. He’s a bit of a love him or hate him (or should I say, RAW or jpeg) kind of guy.

12. Zack Arias

Zack Arias is an editorial music photographer based in Atlanta, GA. He’s been working in the music industry for the past seven years. He is now branching into more editorial work and advertising. His style and approach are simple, straightforward, bold, classic, true, and straight from the camera. That last bit is something I relate to very strongly. If that’s your sort of thing too, you should definitely check out his content.

11. David duChemin

David duChemin is a world & humanitarian photographer, best-selling author, and international workshop leader. David blogs regularly on his website and has a strong number of subscribers due to the variety of content and styles of writing. His podcasts are popular in the photographic community. He’s also made a real name for himself through his three books. Add this to your RSS feed and you won’t be disappointed.

10. Michael Zelbel

Michael is a photographer from Dusseldorf, Germany. He specializes in artistic nude photography and lighting. His expansive Twitter following means that he manages to reach many people and influence them on their choice of lighting and techniques. He has a YouTube channel where he uploads his videos. I’ve personally been using his content for a tip or two to help with a couple of posts I have in the works.

9. Jasmine Star

She’s been labelled a Top 10 Wedding Photographer by American Photo Magazine and one of the Top 5 Most Influential Photographers by PDN Magazine. It’s no surprise she’s on this list. Wedding photography is a great way to turn pro as a photographer. Jasmine knows exactly what she’s talking about when it comes to weddings. With her many ways of communicating through Facebook, Twitter and her blog content, she’s become more than just a photographer. She’s an online personality.

8. Jeremy Cowart

At his core, Jeremy loves to make art. Starting out as a designer, Jeremy only began taking pictures to bring texture into his design work. Before he knew it, he loved photography (and was getting paid to do it). So, in April of 2005, Jeremy switched over to full-time photography and has never looked back. Over a relatively short period, Jeremy earned the respect of artists, photographers, and celebrities alike. His blog content provides insight as to how he does what he does. I recommend it for anyone looking to change the way they take a photo.

7. Scott Kelby

Right behind Joe with 2 books on my Top 20 Photography Books post is Scott Kelby: processing extraordinaire. Scott founded, is the editor-in-chief for Photoshop User magazine and is president of NAPP – National Association of Photoshop Professionals. Widely respected as one of the masters in his field, it’s well worth having a look at his blog’s content.

6. Joe McNally

Joe has 3 books on my Top 20 Photography Books post. It’s no wonder he’s made it into the list of great photography bloggers. He’s got a very large Twitter following and a strong list of RSS subscribers who regularly view and comment on his content. He’s gifted with the ability of excellent photography combined with a way of explaining it that’s easy for everyone to understand.

5. Gary Arndt

This website started back in 2007 when Gary decided to up sticks and travel the world. He has visited over 95 countries so far. The result of this expedition is this widely followed blog and huge fan base: over 100,000 Twitter followers. Gary’s personality shines through in his content on this blog. It is more of a personal diary and photo album than anything. He’s an inspiration to everyone and widely respected among photographers. He’s also one of only two people on this list to be found on Time Magazine’s top 25 Blogs of 2010.

4. Thomas Hawk

Thomas is all over the internet; an avid blogger and social networker. His blog covers a wide spectrum of topics from law to technique. Take some time and have a good look through some of his content. You’ll be inspired. He’s got a following of over 45,000 RSS feed followers through Google reader alone, so I’m clearly not the only person who thinks this.

3. Chase Jarvis

Chase Jarvis is a brand and he knows how to sell it. He’s a fantastic photographer. I’ve previously linked to one of Chase’s videos because he’s well known as a visionary photographer, director, and social artist. He is widely recognised for re-imagining, examining, and redefining the intersection of art and popular culture through still and moving pictures. Commercial work for brands such as Nike, Pepsi, Volvo, Reebok, Apple, and Red Bull earned him recognition from the International Photography community. Take some time and have a look through his website and videos – they’re great.

2. David Hobby

David started out as a photojournalist and made his way into writing online back in 1995. Since then, this website has grown, gaining its huge online monthly readership of over 300,000 photographers from 175 countries. It was named one of the 25 Best Blogs of 2010 by Time Magazine. Strobist is an expansive website that focuses on lighting techniques to improve your digital photography. It’s one of only three websites that made it to the list from my Top 20 Photography Websites.

1. Scott Bourne

Scott has been writing about photography at this URL since 1998. He has a huge twitter following of over 100,000. It’s no wonder that he’s at the top of our list. Photofocus posts at least once a day and is a one-stop online media site for serious amateur and emerging professional photographers. The bulk of its posts are tips, tricks, photography news and reviews. You can also find interviews with prominent photographers, educational screencasts and a very active community of engaged readers who regularly comment. This mammoth website contains more than 1500 posts with Scott sparing no expense to impart his knowledge.


Our list of the best photography blogs in 2021 aims to help you find the best sources of inspiration. These bloggers and photographers have a wide range of knowledge. It is worth checking out their content. Next, read our post on how to set up your own photography blog and get more clients.

35 Best Photography Blogs in 2023  Updated  - 1635 Best Photography Blogs in 2023  Updated  - 7335 Best Photography Blogs in 2023  Updated  - 5335 Best Photography Blogs in 2023  Updated  - 7735 Best Photography Blogs in 2023  Updated  - 7635 Best Photography Blogs in 2023  Updated  - 7535 Best Photography Blogs in 2023  Updated  - 8735 Best Photography Blogs in 2023  Updated  - 3335 Best Photography Blogs in 2023  Updated  - 7835 Best Photography Blogs in 2023  Updated  - 7535 Best Photography Blogs in 2023  Updated  - 1135 Best Photography Blogs in 2023  Updated  - 7335 Best Photography Blogs in 2023  Updated  - 4235 Best Photography Blogs in 2023  Updated  - 6535 Best Photography Blogs in 2023  Updated  - 5335 Best Photography Blogs in 2023  Updated  - 4835 Best Photography Blogs in 2023  Updated  - 7135 Best Photography Blogs in 2023  Updated  - 6335 Best Photography Blogs in 2023  Updated  - 2135 Best Photography Blogs in 2023  Updated  - 4335 Best Photography Blogs in 2023  Updated  - 9635 Best Photography Blogs in 2023  Updated  - 8835 Best Photography Blogs in 2023  Updated  - 7035 Best Photography Blogs in 2023  Updated  - 235 Best Photography Blogs in 2023  Updated  - 835 Best Photography Blogs in 2023  Updated  - 2535 Best Photography Blogs in 2023  Updated  - 8535 Best Photography Blogs in 2023  Updated  - 4835 Best Photography Blogs in 2023  Updated  - 3735 Best Photography Blogs in 2023  Updated  - 835 Best Photography Blogs in 2023  Updated  - 6935 Best Photography Blogs in 2023  Updated  - 7535 Best Photography Blogs in 2023  Updated  - 4435 Best Photography Blogs in 2023  Updated  - 3035 Best Photography Blogs in 2023  Updated  - 235 Best Photography Blogs in 2023  Updated  - 1635 Best Photography Blogs in 2023  Updated  - 48

title: “35 Best Photography Blogs In 2023 Updated " ShowToc: true date: “2023-02-23” author: “Tosha Kim”

Finding the most influential photography blogs is no easy task. It’s all about finding the most popular blogs and most talented photographers. Here is our list of the 34 best photography blogs in 2022. They are all great inspiration and provide quality content. The blogs cover various topics and some of them even offer photography news. If you think we’ve missed a photography site you love, let us know in a comment at the bottom.

[ExpertPhotography is supported by readers. Product links on ExpertPhotography are referral links. If you use one of these and buy something we make a little bit of money. Need more info? See how it all works here.]

34. The LawTog: Photography Blogs

Rachel Brenke has a law degree and runs this photography blog. She offers consulting services to photographers. It is easy to get lost in the legal field when having a photography business. Rachel helps professionals in the creative industry to find their way in business strategy, marketing and the legal environment.

33. Kristen Kalp

Kirsten is awesome because she is brave enough to face her flaws and accept them. Her blog is so real and she went through a long self-discovery journey on the way to success. Her blog offers insights about running a small photography business. She also has several courses and coaching sessions. “My wish for you is to find and then listen to the smallest voices within you — the ones whispering that you can go deeper into the heart of yourself and your broken bits and come out the other side more alive and vital and whole than ever before.”

32. Ken Kaminesky

Ken has shot commercial lifestyle photos for stock photography agencies for fifteen years. He worked with famous commercial clients and his work was published all over the world. In the past few years, Ken fell in love with travel photography. He has lots of how-to posts and tutorials. Ken is also the founder of Discovery Photo Tours.

31. Depositphotos Blog

This blog is a great source of inspiration for anyone who is interested in photography, design and marketing. They provide tutorials, insights on stock photography and interviews with famous photographers.

30. Anton Gorlin Photography

Anton is an Australian real estate photographer who loves landscape photography as well. He worked with recognized clients such as Airbnb and Trivago. His photography blog is full of informative posts. Not to mention his breathtaking landscapes photos that are very inspirational.

29. Ann Street Studio

Jamie Beck is the person behind this stunning photography blog. She is a professional photographer from the US. Jamie built an impressive career and worked with brands like Nike, Disney, Armani and Google. Then she moved to the South of France and started to focus on more personal photographs, Her photography blog, Ann Street Studio is full of amazing photos and stories. It is one of my favourite photography blogs and I spent hours reading her posts.

28. Women Photograph

Women in Photography is a platform for female photographers. It aims to encourage them in their photography journey. Besides providing inspiration and offering a place to show their work. Girlpower!

27. The Fashion Camera

Liselotte Fleur is a fashion and portrait photographer from The Netherlands. The Fashion Camera is her personal fashion photography blog. She shares stories and behind the scenes pictures. Liselotte also provides photography tips and answers photography-related questions.

26. Feature Shoot

Feature Shoot is almost like an online photography magazine. It features creative photographers and artist and some of them work in the social or the environmental fields. The posts are quite up-to-date and shocking. For example, the photo series about animal markets or children’s diets around the world. The photos inspire you and make you think at the same time.

25. Asilda Photography

The blog is run by Anastasia Petukhova, a Russian photographer who is based in Los Angeles. She specialises in fine art, commercial and street photography. She is also part of the Sony Artisans of Imagery Program. On her blog, she shares insights about running a photography business and walks us through her creative process.

24. The Sartorialist

The blog features fashion and street photography content around the world. The creator is Scott Schuman, a famous American blogger and fashion photographer. “I thought I could shoot people on the street the way designers looked at people, and get and give inspiration to lots of people in the process. My only strategy when I began The Sartorialist was to try and shoot style in a way that I knew most designers hunted for inspiration.”

23. Humans of New York

Humans of New York is one of the most famous photography blogs. Brandon Stanton started it as a photography project in 2010. He has even had a book published since. His initial goal was to capture 10 000 New Yorkers and create a catalog about the city’s inhabitants. He started to interview his subjects and share their stories or quotes from them. Today the blog has more than twenty million followers on social media and if you check its content, you will understand why.

22. Joey L.

The blog is run by Canadian-born photographer and director, Joey L. He was listed as one of the “Most Influential Photographers on Social Media”. He also photographed celebrities such as Robert De Niro, Jennifer Lawrence and John Legend. He shares his techniques and knowledge on his blog and in tutorials. Some of the content is quite heavy.

21. Behind the Shutter

The blog started in 2011 and it targets various photographers who want to learn about the insights. It’s one of those educational photography blogs that make you stay for hours on the website.

20.  This Week in Photo

“This Week in Photography” is one of the world’s most popular photography-related podcasts. Its founder Frederick Van Johnson is a regular lecturer and he conducts training on topics ranging from marketing and business to photographic technique. I personally love the podcast and his work and I reckon most people will too, so give his website a little look.

19. Bob Krist

Bob is another writer at Pixiq and widely considered an authority in photography. Bob is a freelance photographer who works regularly on assignments for various magazines such as National Geographic Traveler, Smithsonian, and Islands. These assignments have taken him to all seven continents. He won awards in the Pictures of the Year, Communication Arts, and World Press Photo competitions. Amongst all of this, he’s not above teaching others and giving a helping hand where people need it.

18. Alex Koloskov

Often people see a shot and wonder how it’s done. This man gives you the answer. He posts his own photos and (very kindly) shares all the information on lighting setups and how he took the shot. He also shares gear reviews, tutorials, tips and behind the scenes videos from his photo sessions.

17.  Marc Silber

Marc updates his website’s content almost every day. His writing shows some really insightful knowledge. The best way to learn photography is from the pro’s and that’s exactly what he’s done. He went out and videoed folks like Chase Jarvis, Matthew Jordan Smith, Bambi Cantrell and many more.

16. Syl Arena

What can I say about Syl? I think very highly of this man and am a big fan of his book. I like his content so much that it made my Top 20 Photography Books post – and his website is equally good. He knows how to light a photo and he wastes no time teaching others how to do it just as well. If you have some spare time, it’s well worth dedicating a photo session to some of his techniques.

15. Trey Ratcliff

Trey’s website has become the #1 Travel Photography Blog on the internet. On average, the photos get 175,000 views per day and over 60 million in total. Quite an astounding feat for any man. His website promises a photo from him every single day and it certainly delivers. It’s a great website. But don’t make the same mistake I did and enter it when you’re supposed to be doing something else – it’s incredibly addictive.

14. Damien Franco

This very simple blog contains some vital gems for digital photography. Damien has made a real name for himself on the internet through his blog, Twitter and his writing at the very popular He writes very regularly there and you can find his content here.

13. Jared Polin

If you’re looking to learn more about shooting in RAW, this is the guy to go to. On his site, you’ll find all of the usual information. But with the addition of extensive knowledge of post-production in RAW and an excellent YouTube video series to learn from. Jared has the ability to influence with ease due to his bold attitude towards photography. He’s a bit of a love him or hate him (or should I say, RAW or jpeg) kind of guy.

12. Zack Arias

Zack Arias is an editorial music photographer based in Atlanta, GA. He’s been working in the music industry for the past seven years. He is now branching into more editorial work and advertising. His style and approach are simple, straightforward, bold, classic, true, and straight from the camera. That last bit is something I relate to very strongly. If that’s your sort of thing too, you should definitely check out his content.

11. David duChemin

David duChemin is a world & humanitarian photographer, best-selling author, and international workshop leader. David blogs regularly on his website and has a strong number of subscribers due to the variety of content and styles of writing. His podcasts are popular in the photographic community. He’s also made a real name for himself through his three books. Add this to your RSS feed and you won’t be disappointed.

10. Michael Zelbel

Michael is a photographer from Dusseldorf, Germany. He specializes in artistic nude photography and lighting. His expansive Twitter following means that he manages to reach many people and influence them on their choice of lighting and techniques. He has a YouTube channel where he uploads his videos. I’ve personally been using his content for a tip or two to help with a couple of posts I have in the works.

9. Jasmine Star

She’s been labelled a Top 10 Wedding Photographer by American Photo Magazine and one of the Top 5 Most Influential Photographers by PDN Magazine. It’s no surprise she’s on this list. Wedding photography is a great way to turn pro as a photographer. Jasmine knows exactly what she’s talking about when it comes to weddings. With her many ways of communicating through Facebook, Twitter and her blog content, she’s become more than just a photographer. She’s an online personality.

8. Jeremy Cowart

At his core, Jeremy loves to make art. Starting out as a designer, Jeremy only began taking pictures to bring texture into his design work. Before he knew it, he loved photography (and was getting paid to do it). So, in April of 2005, Jeremy switched over to full-time photography and has never looked back. Over a relatively short period, Jeremy earned the respect of artists, photographers, and celebrities alike. His blog content provides insight as to how he does what he does. I recommend it for anyone looking to change the way they take a photo.

7. Scott Kelby

Right behind Joe with 2 books on my Top 20 Photography Books post is Scott Kelby: processing extraordinaire. Scott founded, is the editor-in-chief for Photoshop User magazine and is president of NAPP – National Association of Photoshop Professionals. Widely respected as one of the masters in his field, it’s well worth having a look at his blog’s content.

6. Joe McNally

Joe has 3 books on my Top 20 Photography Books post. It’s no wonder he’s made it into the list of great photography bloggers. He’s got a very large Twitter following and a strong list of RSS subscribers who regularly view and comment on his content. He’s gifted with the ability of excellent photography combined with a way of explaining it that’s easy for everyone to understand.

5. Gary Arndt

This website started back in 2007 when Gary decided to up sticks and travel the world. He has visited over 95 countries so far. The result of this expedition is this widely followed blog and huge fan base: over 100,000 Twitter followers. Gary’s personality shines through in his content on this blog. It is more of a personal diary and photo album than anything. He’s an inspiration to everyone and widely respected among photographers. He’s also one of only two people on this list to be found on Time Magazine’s top 25 Blogs of 2010.

4. Thomas Hawk

Thomas is all over the internet; an avid blogger and social networker. His blog covers a wide spectrum of topics from law to technique. Take some time and have a good look through some of his content. You’ll be inspired. He’s got a following of over 45,000 RSS feed followers through Google reader alone, so I’m clearly not the only person who thinks this.

3. Chase Jarvis

Chase Jarvis is a brand and he knows how to sell it. He’s a fantastic photographer. I’ve previously linked to one of Chase’s videos because he’s well known as a visionary photographer, director, and social artist. He is widely recognised for re-imagining, examining, and redefining the intersection of art and popular culture through still and moving pictures. Commercial work for brands such as Nike, Pepsi, Volvo, Reebok, Apple, and Red Bull earned him recognition from the International Photography community. Take some time and have a look through his website and videos – they’re great.

2. David Hobby

David started out as a photojournalist and made his way into writing online back in 1995. Since then, this website has grown, gaining its huge online monthly readership of over 300,000 photographers from 175 countries. It was named one of the 25 Best Blogs of 2010 by Time Magazine. Strobist is an expansive website that focuses on lighting techniques to improve your digital photography. It’s one of only three websites that made it to the list from my Top 20 Photography Websites.

1. Scott Bourne

Scott has been writing about photography at this URL since 1998. He has a huge twitter following of over 100,000. It’s no wonder that he’s at the top of our list. Photofocus posts at least once a day and is a one-stop online media site for serious amateur and emerging professional photographers. The bulk of its posts are tips, tricks, photography news and reviews. You can also find interviews with prominent photographers, educational screencasts and a very active community of engaged readers who regularly comment. This mammoth website contains more than 1500 posts with Scott sparing no expense to impart his knowledge.


Our list of the best photography blogs in 2021 aims to help you find the best sources of inspiration. These bloggers and photographers have a wide range of knowledge. It is worth checking out their content. Next, read our post on how to set up your own photography blog and get more clients.

35 Best Photography Blogs in 2023  Updated  - 4935 Best Photography Blogs in 2023  Updated  - 735 Best Photography Blogs in 2023  Updated  - 4835 Best Photography Blogs in 2023  Updated  - 1435 Best Photography Blogs in 2023  Updated  - 535 Best Photography Blogs in 2023  Updated  - 9235 Best Photography Blogs in 2023  Updated  - 6935 Best Photography Blogs in 2023  Updated  - 7535 Best Photography Blogs in 2023  Updated  - 5135 Best Photography Blogs in 2023  Updated  - 5735 Best Photography Blogs in 2023  Updated  - 835 Best Photography Blogs in 2023  Updated  - 7335 Best Photography Blogs in 2023  Updated  - 2435 Best Photography Blogs in 2023  Updated  - 1835 Best Photography Blogs in 2023  Updated  - 3335 Best Photography Blogs in 2023  Updated  - 7935 Best Photography Blogs in 2023  Updated  - 2435 Best Photography Blogs in 2023  Updated  - 3335 Best Photography Blogs in 2023  Updated  - 6135 Best Photography Blogs in 2023  Updated  - 5735 Best Photography Blogs in 2023  Updated  - 1735 Best Photography Blogs in 2023  Updated  - 8235 Best Photography Blogs in 2023  Updated  - 635 Best Photography Blogs in 2023  Updated  - 7835 Best Photography Blogs in 2023  Updated  - 5235 Best Photography Blogs in 2023  Updated  - 8235 Best Photography Blogs in 2023  Updated  - 735 Best Photography Blogs in 2023  Updated  - 9235 Best Photography Blogs in 2023  Updated  - 7535 Best Photography Blogs in 2023  Updated  - 6035 Best Photography Blogs in 2023  Updated  - 4235 Best Photography Blogs in 2023  Updated  - 835 Best Photography Blogs in 2023  Updated  - 3135 Best Photography Blogs in 2023  Updated  - 3735 Best Photography Blogs in 2023  Updated  - 7535 Best Photography Blogs in 2023  Updated  - 4635 Best Photography Blogs in 2023  Updated  - 17